‼️‼️‼️ FORMERLY ROMBIT ‼️‼️‼️
buisness email: sotshumusic@gmail.com
goofy goober makes silly music (sometimes it doesn't even suck balls no way)
its mostly just EDM with some short piano pieces in between
fav artist Eliminate :heart:

Age 19, Male (he/him)


ur mum (see it's funny be

Joined on 5/4/21

Exp Points:
264 / 280
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> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.46 votes
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> 100,000
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SoTshu's News

Posted by SoTshu - 13 days ago



I'll be slowly releasing the better songs on Spotify, it would be awesome if y'all followed me there :33

jk jk




Posted by SoTshu - 2 weeks ago

hey y'all

I have come here to make an announcement. (a few of them actually)

I have a SPOTIFY NOW! (wahoo!!)

well almost.

There are still a few things I have to do, but it's there.

Once i claim the profile i'm gonna start slowly releasing some of the better songs on there, look out for that.

For now tho there is only one song on there, which it the BIG SONG that I was teasing for a while now. Stream it here:


It's a collab with one of my friends, Armazi. it is available not only on Spotify, but on all streaming platforms as well (and ofc I wouldn't forget to upload it here, have this)

Also with all this comes another change:

I'm REBRANDING (wahoo!!)

I have decided to change my artist name to separate my music from my personal online presence. From now on you can find me almost everywhere under the name SoTshu. I have updated my bio with all the places that you can find me on.

Also, it's pronounced like "so true" but with sh, I think that's obvious no?

I'm gonna keep y'all updated on how the things with my Spotify and other stuff are doing, look out for that.

other than that uhhhh

I bought this guy (wahoo!!)


Yeah it's pretty cool I know. His name is William Afton.

the arturia keyboard is also fine I guess...

I mean that's all I really wanted to say. Thank you guys for the continued support, check out Armazi, check out our new song, check out this awesome frog that's behind your window right now. Pretty cool huh.

anyway I'll see y'all soon




Posted by SoTshu - 3 weeks ago

yo just wanted to say thank you guys for the huge amounts of support lately. that's all lol

nah I lied

i'll make a bigger post later this week with a BIG announcement, some massive changes are coming, look out...



Posted by SoTshu - January 28th, 2024

Hey there!

So, I'm not gonna be able to make any more songs this month. I'm going back to school and that means no time for music production for me. The event was extremely fun. And I mean I've never had so much fun while making music.

I've uploaded a total of 16 tracks, some of them were bangers, some of them were not really bangers but still cool nontheless. I've made a playlist of all of the songs, you can find it here:

One of the songs got frontpaged, which is a welcome surprise. It was a late pixel day submission, which I didn't think would get any traction, but what do you know, it's my most popular song now. Listen to it here:

This event was certainly a great lerning experience too. Here are some stuff I wrote down

  1. Trying out new genres and stepping out of your comfort zone is pretty cool
  2. Doing full drum processing can actually tie them all together nicely (no way common knowledge)
  3. Things that sound bad or weird on their own can actually sound great when played in a track
  4. Longer sound design sessions are fun as hell (you can make some nasty shit out of a kick like how cool is that)
  5. Use soundgoodizer more, it's fire
  6. I'm real lazy sometimes

There are other things but uhhhhhh i forgor

And so, we come to an end with this banger that I was cooking up for the past 2-3 months.

Imma start doing more of these events holy shit they are so fun.

Anyway, expect less uploads for now.




Posted by SoTshu - January 25th, 2024

This little late pixel day submission got to the front page lets goooooo!

Check out all of my Jamuary songs here:


Posted by SoTshu - January 13th, 2024

I'm kinda late, but lets start chiping away at the Jamuary event!

I'll probably upload a track every day for the rest of the month.

Here's the first one!

And here's the link to the whole playlist


Posted by SoTshu - December 30th, 2023

Hello one again! (and most likely for the last time this year)

I just want to thank you guys for the support this year, I did not expect it to go that well!

Lets recap:

  • I managed to upload at least one song a month since April, and you might think "wow that isn't a lot", and you would be correct. However consider the fact that I am a lazy piece of shit.
  • I started a ton, and I mean a TON of songs that sounded really cool and I wish I could upload them, buuuut I'm probably never going to touch them again cuz I'm real lazy and also im afraid that i will ruin something that actually sounds good and then beat myself over it instead of going back and trying again so basically im afraid of failure AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH okay moving on
  • I took part in NGADM and gotten some great reviews from people that actually know what they're doing. I didn't manage to get to the next stage, but the feedback itself was 100% worth it. I will get further next time tho! Here is the song that I submited:

  • That competition actualy led to me getting scouted, then later I got unscouted and scouted again. Kinda wild ngl.
  • I FINALLY released an actual full song that I was really proud of. I somehow managed to completely forget about mastering it tho, so I updated it later. Here it is:

  • I made a completely original song for a Geometry Dash collab. Listen to it here:

  • Because of that collab, I got my songs whitelisted for usage in Geometry Dash. There are actually some level with my music already. Thank you so so so much for that! I can't wait to see more levels with them!
  • I took part in the Music Secret Santa 2023 event. The event was real fun, I'll probably do it again next year. It was a challenge, especially because I got assigned genres that I don't have anything in common. The closest thing to my style was HIp-Hop, so I made this lofi beat:

  • And to end the year off, the lofi beat got FRONTPAGED WHAT????? It really came as a suprise to me cuz as I said earlier I don't really make lofi, and if I do, I never end up finishing it lol. It's at almost 4k views right now like bro that is insane I'm never gonna get that much traction again.

And well, that's all of the "main events". This year showed me that it is actually possible for people to find and listen to my music. Once again thank you all for the support! Here's to even more cool things next year!

Actually, lets set some goals, shall we? It will be fun to look back at these in 12 months. Yea lets do it.


  1. Get to 40 followers on Newgrounds
  2. I'm keeping the one song per month rule, but I'll try to release more. Let's say 20 tracks at least?
  3. Finish and upload some of those unfinished songs that I talked about earlier.
  4. Start a Youtube channel, where I will be uploading some sample flips and original music.
  5. Start uploading my songs onto Soundcloud.
  6. Take part in more Newgrounds contests and events (I might try the Jamuary event, but I wont make a song every day, no sir, I have school and stuff)
  7. Maybe get some money from my music idk

That should do it. Lets see if I manage to hit any of these lmao.

Ight, so... last song of the year maybe?

And for the last time this year, Cheers!



Posted by SoTshu - December 22nd, 2023

Hey there!

Merry Christmas!

That is all, thank you for you attention.

Have a lofi beat



Posted by SoTshu - December 5th, 2023


I have remastered (or rather mastered) my song Affliction Addiction. I kinda forgot to do that and I have little to no idea how that happened, I just did. Anyway go listen to it please please please please ple


Posted by SoTshu - November 5th, 2023

yee i got it back

new short song to celebrate